Monday, April 27, 2009

Playing Catch-up

Contrary to popular belief, I do not like this game that grown-ups call "catch-up"

Granted, I play it often, but it's really not because I want to...things come up, circumstances prevent me from being as prolific as I'd like to be...

Excuses excuses, they say. But here they are...As you may have read in an earlier post (The last one, I believe) I was sick for a couple weeks with some kind of cold, and then my Dad was felled by some kind of bug that knocked him down for a couple weeks, which then led into the sinus infection that he is currently fighting.

In the middle of all that, our computer monitor at home died after an epic life of just over two years...between those things, numerous travel opportunities, and the fact that my Dad was desperately trying to write a screenplay for Script Frenzy (He still has a few days) I haven't been able to post nearly as often as I'd like...

But, to those who still stop by this blog periodically, I apologize and offer the following preview...

Several trips to Connecticut! My Baptism! Excitement! Adventure! Love! Betrayal!

So stop back the coming days, I will be filling this blog. Thanks for being patient, and for staying tuned!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sick Sick Sick Sick

So.....Dad got me sick after he was sick this last week...I really will catch up on this blog, one of these days when illness stops thwarting us....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!!

My Dad wanted me to write "Hoppy Easter" but I have far too much dignity for that...he says that I'm a baby and that I can get away with that, but I call the shots around this blog, and will not compromise my principals...So:


Just a couple pics of my little "First Easter" outfit...I can't figure out how to make the one of me on my stomach flip back over for some reason...I just wanted you to see that I had a tail, is all.

Mom and Dad LOVE that the outfit has ears! Dad was literally thinking that day "I wish I had bought Sam something with ears...and there it was when he got home...

Once I get done nursing Dad back to health (He got sick right after Mom and I) I will catch up with the blog...Have a happy, and safe Easter!

Alright...HAVE A HOPPY EASTER! What are principals, when you can't bend them for your Dad...

Monday, April 6, 2009

My first illness...

Sorry for not blogging last week as I had planned...Mom and I both got sick early last week...

It was only a mild cold, with a small fever, so luckily I was out of the 
woods in just a couple days with a little baby Tylenol, and some lovin'. I got better just in time to meet a new babysitter named Laura (Who I believe I have met before, but I quite possibly slept through our first meeting) while my parents went to see "Chicago" to celebrate their anniversary.

It was odd being sick for the first time...I mean, who remembers being sick for the first time? You're hot, uncomfortable, can't sleep even though you're exhausted, and you have never felt this way truly IS an odd sensation. Grown-ups don't think about it...they start to feel sick, and they think, "Bummer...I'm getting sick." But what do I know? I had no idea what this feeling was! I escaped pretty easily...I was basically a bit fussier than usual, and slept a little more than usual. I was pretty unhappy that first day I was sick, though...

Here is a quick pic of my misery, right after Mom finally got me to sleep when I was at the height of my fever...

Now...BACK TO BUSINESS!! I have to catch up here, with the entries about my trip last weekend, and then this weekend's trip as well! Stop back! I'm feeling better, and I'm on a roll!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I am not alone...

I just wanted to start this post off by apologizing for my irrational hatred towards the American film and TV actor, Michael Rappaport...over the months outside the womb, I feel that I have grown and matured to the point where I can take a second, more objective look at this man's body of work...

I feel that my judgment had been clouded by my father's opinion towards this man, and that I was finally able to form my own ideas about this gifted talent to American cinema and TV. In watching his immense, varied body of work, I have found that this quintessential New Yorker has brought his unique brand of brash, intelligent acting to some of the most iconic roles in recent memory. 

He has made me laugh, cry, and has allowed me to rethink my priorities in life in a way that no other actors have before. The reaction of his peers and critics to his nuanced performance only serves to underscore his subtle, chameleon-like skill to disappear into his roles....and for that sir, I commend you and say....


Ha ha! I laugh at you, and rub my hands together in a diabolical fashion!!! C'mon....I got you...didn't I? (Unless you saw the huge cyan-colored "April Fool's Day" as soon as you opened the which case, well...there's now much I can do about that, now IS there?)

Now...back to our regularly scheduled skepticism that Michael Rappaport keeps getting jobs because it's part of the world's biggest practical joke...The following is a quote from a review of the film "Beautiful Girls" by an Illinois newspaper called "The Daily Egyptian" The review is part of an ongoing series where they revisit old films or albums that are at least 10 years old, and deserving of a second look...they say this about Michael Rappaport:
"Matt Dillon heads up the group of friends playing his usual gruff voiced, tough guy self. Michael Rappaport also has a great turn by not being the essence of annoying as per usual for his roles. The supporting cast is rounded out by Uma Thurman and Rosie O’Donnell, who chews up scenes as the town’s resident feminist."

Hm...looks like there are others who share my disdain for this sorry excuse for an actor. He makes Ed Burns look like Oliver for God's sake!