Happy Spring to you! As you can tell by the absence of posts, Dad is once again participating in ScriptFrenzy, where he has to write a screenplay in 30 days during April...He has, as expected, been hogging the computer, making it quite difficult to get in here and fill you guys in on new things...
Now, just because I've been quiet, doesn't mean that I have not been busy!
Coming up the next couple weeks, I'll fill you guys in on a couple trips to Connecticut I took, a visit from Gramma Mindy, my first visit to the famous Cherry Blossoms of Washington, DC, and my first trip to Philadelphia!
Until then, I thought it was worth interrupting Dad's scripting to let you all know that I have transitioned to the toddler room at my daycare! My first graduation!!
Now, I will miss my caregivers in the Puddins and Pies room...Ingrid, Sandra, and everyone else helped me grow into the person I am...they took such good care of me, and really helped me get to where I am in my development. Mom, Dad and I are so thankful to them...
I even filled out a card to give them (With a little bit of Dad's help) to say thanks...
I had a hard time coming up with something poignant, yet whimsical, to say....so it took me awhile to get past my writer's block...but once it did, it just flowed like colored lines on paper...
My new room is very exciting...the group I'm in is called The Dumplings! I was supposed to start the transition yesterday, but I stayed home because I didn't feel well...so I only had today and tomorrow to get used to the new digs.
Originally they said that I was supposed to spend the morning in my new room, and then go back to my old room for the afternoon...but I did so well, they kept me in my new room all day, and want me to go straight to my new room tomorrow!
Like I said, I'll miss the old place, but I was excited to see some of my old friends that had already moved up, and play with some new toys!
I took my nap when I was supposed to (We got these awesome little cots of our very own, and the caregivers rubbed our backs to help us go to sleep...defying all odds, I stayed on my cot, and loved every minute of it!) had some great snacks that daycare provided (Cantaloupe, cottage cheese, and rice cakes) and shared some toys with two of my new friends there...
All in all, it was a great experience, and I was so happy it went well...obviously I was a bit nervous, but I think I handled it pretty well. Go me!
Keep an eye on the blog, people...Dad is almost done with this script of his, and then I'm back on the case!!