Well, folks....it's that time of year again! Time for people to dress like ghouls and goblins...witches and wizards...or in my case: A Cowboy!
I am a huge fan of Woody from Toy Story, so Mom and Dad thought it might be fun to dress up like him for Halloween. I already had the shirt, and they found an adorable little cowboy outfit for me.
My Halloween festivities were mostly on Friday because they were associated with Daycare...(Please note that I have cleverly made sure that you can't see any faces of the kids in daycare, since I don't think it's appropriate to post their faces on the web :-) )
It was a busy day! In the morning we had our annual Halloween Parade (My first because I was a little too young last year) Mom took the day off and worked from home so I got to go with both Mom AND Dad! How fun! We showed up right on time, and I found out that my friend made me a Trick Or Treat bag!!
We all gathered outside our Daycare and got in line...lots of kids of all ages dressed in all sorts of costumes! Various animals, an octopus, ladybugs, lots of superheroes, and yes...one other cowboy.
We all walked around the office buildings outside our daycare, and some people came out to see us from the offices. I got to walk with both Mom and Dad, and lots of my friends. It was so much fun!
We walked around the building twice, and even though it was a bit windy (Which is one of the reasons I wasn't wearing my hat....the other being that I didn't want to wear my hat) it was a lot of fun!
So...let's talk about the next phase of the day...something they like to call "Trick or Treating"
Now, Mom and Dad told me about this last year, but I was a bit skeptical. I mean, you go around saying trick or treat and people just give you candy! For nothing! Just for dressing up and saying those three magic words...I mean, you can't get much better than that! (In theory they could possibly be giving you treats to avoid having tricks played on them. This is apparently where the "Trick or Treat!" saying comes from. (More on this if anyone ever denies me treats)
So we all went upstairs where people from the office building had gathered in a circle in a conference room. We were led in in groups, and got to walk around the circle saying "Trick or Treat" to each person. Mom did a good job teaching me how to say it, and while Dad walked around behind the people taking pictures, Mom walked with me to get candy.
At each person (I skipped a few because I was excited) I would say "Trick or Treat" and they would give me something good like candy, lollipops, or pretzels! I'd then say "Thank You" People thought I was adorable, and I moved on to the next one!
After this whirlwind of free treats, we went back downstairs and called it a day for the time being. We all went home, inventoried my haul, and Mom let me count lollipops with her for awhile (Even though I wasn't quite old enough to eat them yet) We later took a long well-deserved nap.
When I woke up, there was no WAY I was interested in getting out of bed...but as soon as Dad mentioned my party at Daycare, I got RIGHT up!
Mom and Dad dressed me up in my costume again, and we walked back to Daycare.
They had a pizza party set up, and Mom & Dad helped by bringing drinks! There was pizza, snacks, and lots of merriment! The Daycare had pumpkins carved into Jack-O-Lanterns, and the decorations were awesome! Lots of scarecrows and skeletons (Which I insisted on giving high-fives to) and some great spooky stuff!
They had Sam-Sized pieces of pizza cut for me (Mom and Dad also got to have some grown-up slices) in addition to pumpkin cookies, muffins, "Spooky Punch", cider...it was so much fun!
After eating, they were playing some music and I got to dance with one of my best friends at Daycare!
If you know anything about me, you know that I LOVE to dance! It was a blast! I got to play with some toys at Daycare and got to climb around on the tumbling mats! As always, Daycare threw a great party! It was fun to see all of my friends in their costumes, and to get to hang out with both Mom and Dad! They told me that they ALSO had a lot of fun!
The party ended kind of abruptly when a fire alarm went off. It was a false alarm, but the staff still moved quickly in getting everyone out. They did a great job! Even though we were told that it was a false alarm, it had already seemed like a good spot to head home, so we continued on ahead....but not before the alarm unnerved me enough to still be talking about it today. The cool part was that we got to see two fire trucks show up! They were all lit up and had their sirens going! It was the closest I had ever been to fire trucks when they had their sirens and lights on...it was pretty amazing!
Anyways...Have a fun and safe Halloween tonight, and I hope you've all had a spooky (But not TOO spooky) month leading up to, what is my Dad's, arguably favorite holiday. I hope you had a fun time going to parties this weekend, and that it's been a fun time for all!
I think if I were an actual cowboy, I would go ahead and say....YEEEEE HAAAAW!