So...There was a second baby shower...
Many moons ago (8 or 9 of them actually) my mom had some friends that were very forward thinking, and decided that they wanted to throw my Dad a "Daddy Shower" While my Dad was excited about the prospect (MANly diaper bags!! MANly baby clothes!! MANly adorable little hats!!) his schedule is such that getting people together for any type of party in his honor is near-impossible...
SO....they talked about it for months, and whenever they actually saw these friends, the friends would mention it, and Dad would honestly be game for the party, but scheduling would be a toughie...
SO...they decided to just plan it without him, and stage it as a surprise Daddy Shower...
SO...Mom tells him one night that she made plans for them on some random evening with these friends. Dad was understandably annoyed (And kind of a jerk) about the plans that the two had not discussed, not having any idea that this was a party in his honor.
They went there that night, and as they entered, Matt first saw a couple friends of his that didn't hang out with this other group of friends (One of which had brought along their baby) and when he stared at the room, mouth suitably agape, the host of the party announced "Matt....welcome to your Daddy Shower"
Dad was COMPLETELY surprised, and told the room the story about how he was understandably annoyed (And kind of a jerk) about the plans earlier that week, not having any idea that this was a party in his honor. He then apologized to my Mom in front of anyone...
My Dad's friend that had brought along his baby promptly handed the baby to my Dad (Who has held a total of 3 babies in his whole life). The baby looked back at his parents, back to my Dad, and started wailing...Dad attempted to sooth the child, but that only made it worse...
Throughout the evening, the baby would look at my Dad, look horrified and sad, and then grasp desperately at whatever parent was holding him...
The shower was a blast...the people that threw the party had a lot of kid-themed snacks (Like the Animal-Shaped chicken nuggets pictured above) lots of Cheerios cereal, cookies, etc...They also played a game of "Apples to Apples" (Pictured below) whose answers had been altered to be more baby-centric, which was awesome, and a LOT of fun....Dad was shocked, as there weren't any games at Mom's shower (Not that would have wanted them necessarily...) and this one was a lot of fun!
Gifts were plentiful...LOTS of handmade stuff (Hat, scarves, bibs, socks, an AMAZING sweater and scarf from the grandmother of the baby that hated Dad...) Lots of other stuff, too...countless gifts, books, two keychain digital picture frames (For Mom and Dad to show me off) and a gift certificate to Best Buy so Mom & Dad can buy a camera (To also show me off...)
Man....another batch of very generous people!
At press time, gifts are still trickling in...a surprise awaits us in Connecticut, Dad's friend's Mom knitted me an awesome blanket, and hooked me up with multiple sizes of diapers to last me the year...
As in the last post about Mom's shower...I can't thank everyone enough...Dad was flabbergasted, and VERY surprised, and he appreciated all the trouble everyone went through for the shower...
To The Alpha Delts (and their extended family), Matt's pals from the UPS Store, and those in Connecticut and the surrounding areas that couldn't make any showers, but still took the time to get me something...from the bottom of my heart (Which is actually currently upside-down right now, so it's kind of near the top) thank you all so much!!!