Really...this meeting went much better than it could have, let's be honest....
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What the Heck is THAT!?
Really...this meeting went much better than it could have, let's be honest....
Sunday, December 28, 2008
My name is Samuel Wenceslaus Pellegrino-Grant.
Ah, you think my middle name is a little unique, eh? Well good! Because it's supposed to be!
The back story is as follows...The Christmas song "Good King Wenceslaus" was a favorite of my Mom's father (My Grandfather) The story goes that a king goes out to give alms to a poor peasant on the Fest of Stephen (December 26th) During the journey, his page is about to give up the struggle against the cold weather, but is enabled to continue by the heat miraculously emanating from the king's footprints in the snow. The legend is based on the life of the historical Saint Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia.
My parents decided that my middle name would be Wenceslaus if I were born on December 26th, and lo and behold, I was, so lo and behold it is!
So far, I like it...Also, I have a rockin' Christmas song with my name in it! You can't beat THAT!
More later!
Friday, December 26, 2008
A Dot No More...
I am officially a baby...I have been born...
Dad, Mom, and Gramma Mindy went to the hospital, in the early Christmas evening, as Da Gramma and NotDaGramma hopped in a car and drove down from Connecticut...I refused to be a Christmas baby, so I kept Mom in labor until 5:31 on December 26...
I was 21 3/4 Inches, and weighed in at a whopping 8 Pounds 2 Ounces...Dr Keller was right...
My name is....::sigh::....I'm EXHAUSTED...that was a lot of work for me, too...I'll tell you all in the next post...with more news to follow...
To tide you over, here is my first picture. I was one hour old...
And, as requested, I am wearing an adorable little hat. My reign begins...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Off to the Hospital....
There better be a Teddy Bear, and some adorable hats waiting for me...
Merry Christmas!!
To those who don't....HAPPY THURSDAY!!!
More contractions....a little stronger escape for me, just yet, though...
I am also doing a lot of squirming around in one ever thinks about the fact that contractions are essentially like tiny earthquakes in the only house I have ever known...
Yeah...NOW you're thinking about it...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
All is calm....all is bright...
After about an hour of steady contractions, and a couple of hours of sporadic contractions, I have decided to call it a night....
Now that I know how everything works in here, expect more from me tomorrow...
Fast & Furious....
Also, I had the hiccups again earlier today. I'm looking very forward to being on The Outside where these "hiccups" are a thing of the past...
Wait a minute...what do you MEAN they exist on The Outside?
A Tale of Two Showers Part II: A Surprise Daddy Shower!!!
Gifts were plentiful...LOTS of handmade stuff (Hat, scarves, bibs, socks, an AMAZING sweater and scarf from the grandmother of the baby that hated Dad...) Lots of other stuff, too...countless gifts, books, two keychain digital picture frames (For Mom and Dad to show me off) and a gift certificate to Best Buy so Mom & Dad can buy a camera (To also show me off...)
Man....another batch of very generous people!
At press time, gifts are still trickling in...a surprise awaits us in Connecticut, Dad's friend's Mom knitted me an awesome blanket, and hooked me up with multiple sizes of diapers to last me the year...
As in the last post about Mom's shower...I can't thank everyone enough...Dad was flabbergasted, and VERY surprised, and he appreciated all the trouble everyone went through for the shower...
To The Alpha Delts (and their extended family), Matt's pals from the UPS Store, and those in Connecticut and the surrounding areas that couldn't make any showers, but still took the time to get me something...from the bottom of my heart (Which is actually currently upside-down right now, so it's kind of near the top) thank you all so much!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sooner or later...
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm just testing the equipment down here to make sure it's all ready for The Big Show...
Soon, people....very soon...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My Womb Time is Waning....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Odds n' Ends...
Don't get too excited....but I am literally DAYS away from arriving, folks...
A Tale of Two Showers Part I: The Belated Baby Shower Post!!
Da Gramma was responsible for Aunt Stephanie made some blue lollipops, and Da Gramma offered people a choice of either tea or hot cocoa with a little reminder of the baby shower on it...Examples are pictured below, however my Mom's name is not Katie, and these pictures merely represent the favors.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Still More Clothes!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Rollin' rollin' rollin'....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I am my Father's Son....
Monday, December 8, 2008
Speling Issues
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Cupcake Cones...and rolling around... is a classic shot from Dad's birthday party that Mom threw for Dad, and that I never got around to putting up....Dad carved a jack-o-lantern (Which I look very forward to doing with him someday...) and he hadn't done so in awhile, leaving him quite excited about the whole experience...however, the most exciting part was the cupcakes that mom made...she literally put the batter into the ice cream cones, and baked them in the cones...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ah...the crazy...
Friday, December 5, 2008
I am Not to Be Eaten....
Our good friend Teague sent along this link that I thought you all might find amusing/disturbing...
Earlier in my blog, I mentioned that the baby DOES NOT go into the Tupperware container, rather the baby goes into a larger Tupperware-ESQUE seen to your right...
Now, some nutbag has gone ahead and blurred the line between baby and foodstuffs EVEN FURTHER by creating this cookie cutter...
Now first off, as we all know (Heck, even I know, and I am an unborn baby, for God's sake...) that the cookies NEVER look like what what their molds intend...Christmas Trees tend to look like blobs with points on the sides, Snowmen tend to look like three cookies smooshed together, etc...
(An aside...why is "Smooshed" not in the Firefox dictionary? Lame.)
Even though the pictures of the cookies in the ads for these things always makes them out to look like they actually shape dough so it really looks like the stuff, we all know that this is not always the case.
Now, as many of the comments on that website have pointed out, the cookie barely looks like a fetus, but more like some kind of alien creature....AND THOSE ARE THE ONES IN THE PROMOS FOR THEM!! IMAGINE how the actual cookies would look if the PROMO for them looks this creepy. Unacceptable, says I! Plus, is it like a gingerbread man? Do you start by nibbling off the head? The cute little toes?
Thanks to the "CakeWrecks" blog, and to Teague for pointing this out...I will be sure to keep an eye on Dad, as the act of buying these forms is just the type of shenanigans that he would engage in...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Home Stretch...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
As promised....The Dot Returns!!
So...first things first. An apology is once again in order...I disappeared for the second half of November. A little explanation...
National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.
Valuing enthusiasm and perseverance over painstaking craft, NaNoWriMo is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved.
So, Dad was writing fast and furious for the month (and actually, a majority of his writing took place during the last 12 days of November) and he took up so much bandwidth in the apartment, that posting became slow and tedious, like in the olden days of dial-up (And by "Olden Days", I mean, like, a few months ago....Yes...The Pellegrino-Grant family was on dial-up until A FEW MONTHS AGO... ) So, I avoided the 'net like the plague, and caught up on some reading, and went through lots and lots and LOTS of baby clothes...
And he, in fact, "won" the month....18.5% of people that entered finished their novel. 119,301 authors signed up for NaNoWriMo, 21,683 finished, and my Dad was one of them. He actually continued a novel that he wrote 50,000 words of last November (So, technically, he is sitting on a very wordy 101,000 word novel, which is not even technically done yet...while he met his word count goal, he didn't finish the novel)
SO....that is the explanation of my absence...but I'm back, and I have a lot to say before I get out STAY TUNED!!!