Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Odds n' Ends...

Don't get too excited....but I am literally DAYS away from arriving, folks...

Obama's inauguration? That's NOTHING compared to the threat levels and planning that will be in effect in the next ten days...

Dad surprised Mom by building the crib. I now have a place to sleep!! He has thrown out the little cardboard box filled with shredded newspaper, and built my glorious little sleeping quarters. My parents have no room to walk around the apartment, but I do, now in fact, have a place to lay my weary head.

Mom packed her bags for the hospital, and can be called into action at a moment's notice!!
Somehow, Mom has found time for Christmas cards, and baby shower thank-you notes...crazy woman...

Dad went down to Children's Hospital to have my car seat checked. There is an organization called that offers a free service to check to make sure your car seat is installed correctly. They also give a nice twenty minute lesson to people who want to learn how to buckle their kid into the seat correctly. It was a very helpful service, and Dad recommends it to anyone who will need to use a car seat.

Dad unpacked and assembled my "ride" (Or "Stroller" to the unhip) last night. It is folded up in the corner, and folds surprisingly well for such a phat ride. Don't play with me...I will leave you in my wake! Really, this thing is great, because I can off-road if necessary, and it is sturdy, hardcore, and ready for action...however, my parents got it mostly because it can fold down super small to fit into one of the corners in our place. Not bad, eh?

And before you ask...YES...That IS a steering wheel in front for me to take control of my own destiny...

I TOLD you it was hardcore!

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