Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's all clear to me now...

After finally having been to a bridal shower, I now understand the idea behind parties that are referred to as "Showers" My family threw my Auntie Steph a party to celebrate her upcoming nuptials. My mom's family did the same for my mom, both for her wedding and for my then-impending birth. The term "shower" comes from the idea of showering the bride and groom (or in this case, the bride-to-be) with gifts...

I'm happy to know that there aren't thousands of people walking around filthy, hoping to get married so that they can finally shower.

Above is a quick shot of me in the most adorable hat that a baby has ever owned....below is my Aunt wearing a bow hat...the traditional way that bridesmaids find a way to get back at you for looking beautiful on your wedding making you look like a huge goofball during your shower.

Next up....a full update on my latest trip up north!!  

1 comment:

A New Journey said...

Thanks for all the pictures we enjoy looking at them...
We had a great time seeing Angela & Sam for the shower and are looking forward to the wedding you have a very handsome guy.. Love Evette