Norma and I have had some interaction over the few months that I have been on this Earth...but recently, I have become interested in her in ways that have my parents paying a bit more attention to me and her...this past week, I began grabbing her fur in large chunks as she walks by me. She has been sniffing at me, and lingering a bit longer than she usually does. This of course, doesn't necessarily concern my parents TOO much, but they are a bit more aware of the two of us when we're near each other...
Dad always tells me "Pet the kitty NICELY like THIS" and shows me how he pets her, but really, grabbing a big old clump of fur is a lot more fun! So, I think that's what I'll do for now.
Oh boy!! Life has changed for Norma!! Now you've reached the entire household!
Yes. She has been warned.
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