Catchup? I'd prefer mustard...badoom, csh!
A few months ago, mere weeks after Da Gramma visited, we were graced by the presence of Gramma Mindy! There has been a lot of visiting going on lately!
We enjoyed having her, and Mom and Dad even got to go out to see a movie!
As you can see, Gramma Mindy and I had a lot of fun just hanging out at the apartment! When people come to visit, they tend not to be interested in all there is to see in Washington, DC, but moreso in just hanging out in the apartment with me!
I must be pretty darn interesting!
She makes me laugh with some of her songs, and others just lull me into a trance, which ultimately leads to sleep (As you'll see later in this blog entry!)
She also took some fun pictures of Dad playing with me, which I'm sure will see the light of day (Even if only on Facebook...what a weird guy, my Dad...)
Gramma Mindy had the opportunity to try her hand at feeding me some solid food, which was nutritious, and also fun! Here, she wipes away my food, but can't manage to wipe away my smile, as I eat my bib. Wouldn't you eat your bib?! There's FOOD on there, man!
Also, I tend to eat whatever random piece of cloth is close by to me anyway...
I was still feeling a bit under the weather when Gramma Mindy visited, but she was nice enough to hold me, and sing herself hoarse trying to put me to you can see, I nestle right up in her arms and head off to sleep...she seems to be enjoying it as well, so don't feel bad for her that she has to sing like crazy to keep me calm...
So...after a fairly brief visit this time around, her voice hoarse from singing, and her heart full from hanging out with me, Gramma Mindy packed her bags, and headed back off to Connecticut....Luckily, we ended up in Connecticut just a couple weeks later, so I was able to see her again! More on that later....
Thanks for visiting, Gramma Mindy!
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