Thursday, March 25, 2010

My First Haircut!!!

So after doing all this work to grow out my hair, it turns out that you just end up cutting it off afterward. Looking at Dad, I didn't think boys EVER had to cut their hair. (ZING!)

While I was disappointed that it had come to this, I understood that, as Mom said, I had gone from "Unkempt" right past "Neglected-Looking" and directly to "Homeless Baby" when it comes to my hair. I suppose that now is as good a time as any to get this mop taken care of.

I accepted this as fact, and Mom and Dad made an appointment at a place called "Cartoon Cuts". It's a place that specializes in haircuts for kids (and apparently hiring infinitely patient stylists)
Dad packed up a whole bunch of distractions for me (In case I had a hard time) He literally grabbed a bit of, books, stuffed animal, snacks, the kitchen sink...

See what I did there?

Anyway...when the time came to go there, I was understandably nervous. Would I look OK? Would I look too old? Would my Dad recognize me and take the right kid home from daycare?

When we arrived, there was one thing that put me at ease, and one thing that gave me pause.

The place itself put me at was colorful, there were balloons everywhere, and there were little TVs at every station playing cartoons. The staff looked friendly, and were really nice to me when I came in.

The thing that gave me pause? The young child shrieking in the chair next to the one I was about to get into...

Now granted, the kid was really scared and unhappy...but the best part was that the person cutting his hair was still being really patient, and kept a smile on her face the whole time...his Mom was also being really comforting. I understood how he could be upset...I get the same way about getting my fingernails cut...but I put on a brave face, and watched as he had the last few hairs snipped away...I knew now, that even if I got upset, I'd still get my hair cut, and everything would be OK.

While they were finishing with him, they sat me down with Mom to get my hair cut. Mom donned a barber's smock, and they gave me a matching Sam-Sized one....

Before I knew it...we were off! Dora was explorin' on the TV in front of me, (with a monkey no less!!) while the nice lady cut my hair at a speed that I wasn't ready for...She was amazing! Mom was really good at keeping me calm, and Dad snapped pictures, while also helping distract me while the stylist had to do certain things, like cut the back of my hair and what-not...
As you can tell, I'm a little concerned, but the lady moved so fast, and was so gentle, that I really just got to sit back and enjoy myself. It tickled every time she sprayed my hair with the water to wet it down, and I kept laughing while she did it. It was actually super fun!

The lady was nice enough to cut a few locks of hair for my parents, and grandparents to keep as mementos...

She laughed and said "Ohhh...there's plenty of hair here for ten grandmas!!"

And just like that....she was done! I put on a brave face, and not only made it through to the end, but actually had a lot of fun while doing it! Since I'm still too little for a lollipop, they gave me a balloon to play with (Sidenote...I decided to surprise my Mom and Dad by saying "Balloon." and pointing to the balloons...where did I learn this word? Psh...I'm not telling you guys everything...some things need to stay a mystery, if this is to be any fun. :-) )So they gave me a balloon, and I had SO much fun playing with it the rest of the night...

And yes...I spent the rest of the night saying "bala bala bala bala balloooooon..."

And now you get the official before...

...and after pictures!

I DO look a little older, but I figure that isn't necessarily such a bad thing...I was going for Toddler sophisticated...I hope that comes across...Can you tell that Mom really likes my haircut? :-) She's pretty subtle...

Special thanks to Hatice for giving me a great hair cut, and to Mom for sitting with me the whole time. I got my certificate (And don't worry, Grammas....we have certificates and hair locks for you too!) and Mom and Dad congratulated me on a job well done...Mom even helped me bow for the people to thank them for their applause. was just Mom, Dad, and Hatice applauding...but whatever.

And to anyone who is worried about my curls not coming Dad, who is going on 34 years of experience says, "Don't worry...whether you like it or not...they'll be back."

And sure enough, as the hair dried in the car while I played with my could already see traces of those little curls poking their heads out...


Gramma Mindy said...

You are such a handsome young man! I can't wait to get my curl.

Stephanie said...

Love it so cute@