A great quote from my Dad's friend at work Jaheem is: Any "boy" can make 'em....but only a "Dad" can take care of them...:
Now, Dad is often transcribing what I ask him to for the blog, so I don't want to draw this out too much, but I just wanted to say thanks for being a great Dad...we have a lot of fun together, and I truly enjoy our time together. He seems to enjoy being a Dad more than he ever thought he would, which means I must be doing something right. :-)
Also a quick shout-out to NotDaGramma (Or Grandpa as he's known in fine dining circles) for being the guy who has sworn to take me fishing someday...and to Grandpa Dickie who, while no longer with us, remains a big part of my life by watching over me and for doing a great job while he was around helping to raise his two sons into men who are two of the greatest Uncles around.
For Father's Day, my daycare had a little pizza party....Dad was kind enough to share his pizza (Which I, adorably, referred to as "peetz-zee"...I would walk up to him and say "Bite bite...peetz-zee, and he would give me a bite) but would only let me have water and not soda.
Someday, Dad....someday.
It was Papa John's, which Dad assured me was OK to eat, because it taught me what terrible pizza was, so that I can better appreciate great pizza further down the road...
Bad pizza...it's out there, folks...
I also showed Dad our kid-sized slide, which I could climb up, and slide down all by myself...of course, yelling out "Whee!" while I went down...

A great time was had by all! Also, Dad wanted to point out that I was representing World Cup with my little Nike outfit.
Note...I do not support the use of a vuvuzela...ever.
A very Happy Father's Day to your amazing Dad.
He says "Thanks!" You're super nice!
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