Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas I: Gramma Debbie & Grandpa's! we are...finally getting to all these posts about my amazing took some doing (and lots of sorting of pictures) but I made it out the other side!

This was a busy holiday (Well, busier than most!) since not only was there a lot going on, but everything was happening in kind of a compressed time frame. Dad had to work on Christmas itself, so we drove up late on the Wednesday before the holiday weekend. We arrived at Gramma Debbie and Grandpa's house late that night, and I immediately went right back to sleep.

The next day was, as Dad likes to refer to it, FakeChristmas...basically, celebrating Christmas on a day that wasn't quite Christmas. I got to add my stocking to Gramma Debbie's Christmas tree...

When everyone arrived, it was crazy! Aunt Amy and Uncle Steve came and brought Nicholas with them...

He is still so tiny, and even though he was sleeping, I had to go wake him up since I was so excited to see him!

Auntie Steph also came along, and brought Braelynn with her. Braelynn and I continued to work on our tenuous agreement when it comes to sharing toys...

And then, without further ado, we tore into the presents! Everyone was SO generous! There were a lot of gifts going around...all the grown-ups exchanged their gifts, and us kids made out like bandits!

While I am super excited about all of my presents, and appreciate them all equally, some of the highlights were my very own Mr. Potato Head (Dad was also excited about this, since he now doesn't have to share his Special Edition Dark Tater with me...although he is still adament that he would have, if necessary) I cannot tell you how excited I am to have my very own Mr. Potato, I would have been happy getting any gifts at all this Christmas...but I will admit to pining for one of these guys like you wouldn't believe!

I got a VERY cool Grinch doll and book (not pictured) in addition to my very own fire truck, and set of small trucks. (Dad and I will have a lot of playing to do when we get home!)

DaGramma also rocked my world by getting me my very own, I not only don't have to drag out the big one we have, but I can carry this one around all by myself, and use it whenever I want! I can also bring it in the car with me, if I ever want to play on the go!

People were laughing because, not only did I take forever to open each present....but I would open a present, play with a toy for awhile, and then move on to the next. It has probably been too long since they were young enough to savor presents like this. :-) I was really enjoying my time opening the gifts, and enjoying them....I didn't want to rush Christmas, man!

I kept trying to give gifts to Dad when people gave them to me, but sooner or later I finally opened them all. (I'll have more pictures of Nick and Braelynn opening presents next year when they're a bit better at opening them themselves. :-) )

I wish I could highlight everything, because I got so much that was so great. Everyone was really nice to each other, and really came through with some great gifts.

After it was all over, and after cleaning up a bit (as you can see, the living room looked just like it did when Dad, Uncle Steve, and Auntie Steph were growing up, and had THEIR Christmases...) we had a nice dinner was very low-key, but delicious.

At the end of the evening, everyone went their separate ways, and we all went to bed, our tummies full of food, and our hearts full of was a great second Christmas! I can't wait to do it again next year!

Coming up...we didn't really have a White FakeChristmas, but we certainly had a White Christmas...and a White Birthday too! Lots of snow!

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