Saturday, November 26, 2011

People actually DO read this thing...

So....blogger has completely revamped their interface...(you may have noticed some formatting problems with my pictures in the last few posts, as I adjust to the new way of doing things...) I must say that for the most part the changes are an improvement over the original...there is a lot more control and ease of use that looks more complex, but once I get the hang of it I'm sure it will be a piece of cake...there are a lot of new customizations one can use like location tagging and what-not (which I won't really be engaging in until I'm a bit older) Adding pictures is also WAY easier and intuitive....

One of the interesting things they have added is an overview and graph of the amount of page views your blog is getting, and a bunch of other stats specific to learning more about the number of people who visit the blog, and when they're doing so...check this out! This is the one from today...

Now, I knew that people enjoyed the blog, as many have told me...but it is humbling to see that I have 4700 views over the last three years (which doesn't seem like a lot until you consider the fact that I started this blog mainly just to entertain and inform the members of my family that don't live close by...and really, much as they love me, it's simply not possible for Gramma Debbie and Gramma Mindy to look at this blog 230 times in one someone else must be enjoying it)

So thanks to my fans...obviously my Grammas are my biggest fans, so I thank them so much for giving me reason to continue the blog...the rest of my family and friends have supported it as well, so to you, cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Great Aunts and Uncles, friends and friends of friends...thank you....

And to you quiet ones that stop by to see what I'm up to, or even if you just pop in to see the exclusive pictures that Mom and Dad don't post to Facebook and don't read a word of what I say...thanks for visiting. I am happy that you're interested in what I'm up to, and will continue to do my best to be a source of entertainment and happiness, as you are for me.

Oh...and here's a fun new picture of me helping Daddy make some waffles from scratch the other day to thank you for stopping by.

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