Saturday, January 14, 2012

Christmas 2011: Holiday Party at Daycare!

As you will see in the next week or two of "Catch-up" posts, I have had a busy, crazy couple of weeks! It has felt like one big, long amazing party! So, without further ado...let's get you all caught up on my wild ride through the holidays, shall we!?

Today...I look back at my awesome party at daycare!

Each year it seems to get better and better, and this year was no exception. There was a lot of good food (which, and this blew Dad's mind, I actually ate a lot of) and lots of people showed up!

The Beanstalks teachers participated and were kind enough to give us presents, too!

It turned out to be a book about some mice that were building snowmen! It was fun AND topical! (The snowmen...NOT the mice!) I was very excited, and I have had Mom and Dad read this to me a lot already!

We got to do a gift exchange with our classmates again, and this year my friend Billy got me a puzzle set with several puzzles, including a bus and a race car! I kept asking if I could open it at the party because I was so excited, but Dad advised against it, in an effort to keep all of the small pieces from getting lost....I DID however show it off to whoever would look! Once I got home, I quickly put them together, and can't wait to take them apart and do it again!

I got Billy (my friend on the other side of my gift exchange) a PlayMobile figure with a dune buggy, that he actually opened right at the party because he was so excited. I guess we know each other well enough to get each other some awesome gifts!!

For dessert, Dad got me a whoopie pie. Have you had one of these things? They are beyond delicious....chocolate cake surrounding a delicious cream center....I polished it off in mere minutes, and could have had dozens more if allowed.(Dad wisely limited me to one) It was delicious.

Dad also got to eat a lot of good food (and partook in a whoopie pie of his own, except that his had mint in the cream, which was also apparently delicious) and got to chat up some of the other parents of the kids in the room.

After a truly festive evening, we left and met up with Mom so that we could go to....ZOO LIGHTS!