Saturday, February 4, 2012

My first trip to the dentist...

Notice there are no exclamation points in the subject of this latest blog entry....this is due to the fact that I was not all that excited about this little experience....

Initially all seemed to be going pretty well...when I turned 3 years old a month ago, I was very excited about the prospect of my first trip to the dentist...this was mostly due to the fact that my parents presented it as a very exciting part of turning 3.

I am inclined to disagree.

It started off fine, with me sitting in the chair (which went up and down using a little pedal on the ground, which was kind of fun) and it also didn't hurt that there was a TV to watch with some cartoons on it...

The hygienist came in a reassured me that they would only be counting my teeth today (I brought along Humphrey the Whale with me to help ease my nerves) and I agreed that I would be OK with that...

But then I saw her bring out the random array of metal hooks and pokey looking things. And I was alllll done. I tried sitting on Dad's lap while they examined me, but I was too overwhelmed...Mom tried to reassure me, to no avail...

To be fair, the dentist came in after, and managed to at least take a look inside my mouth to see that I had no cavities (Yay!) and that my brushing regimen seemed to be sufficient. He also let me use his little mirror to get a look inside my mouth (I think if they had started with the mirror and eased me into the metal hooks, instead of the other way around, I would have had an easier time!)

They were still nice enough to let me pick out a toy from a toy chest they had (It was a small green plastic hat that fit many of my toys perfectly) and said that they would try again next time. I have a hard time getting onboard with doing this every six months.

Ah well...maybe it will go a little better next time. The dentist said that they had seen far worse than me...they were really good about respecting my boundaries and not causing a huge scene...which I appreciated.

I'll try and work up to doing a little better next time...

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