Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Second Playdate!

We had so much fun on our first playdate with Skyler and her parents, that we went on another on the next month! (You can tell that it was back during the spring, since we are all wearing, I can't believe I fell so far behind! Typical Sam...)

This time we went out to eat at a restaurant was a cool little bagel place near us...

We followed this with a trip to one of my favorite playgrounds. It's the one that is situated alongside the bike trail that Dad and I ride on...

Look at how silly Skyler's Dad is! He's a lot of fun! Skyler's Mom (as evidenced from the shot that leads into this post) also played with us, too...Mom joined in, but obviously couldn't take any pictures while she was playing with us... :-)
Skyler and I have a lot of fun playing together, and even a simple picture request...
...inevitably turns into a wrestling match....
We're a little silly, but luckily we're the same kind of silly, so we get along really well!

I promise that the next time we have a playdate, I will post about it sooner....I promise that you won't see a post of us in our swimsuits posted this December...

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