Friday, December 26, 2008

A Dot No More... my birthday!

I am officially a baby...I have been born...

Dad, Mom, and Gramma Mindy went to the hospital, in the early Christmas evening, as Da Gramma and NotDaGramma hopped in a car and drove down from Connecticut...I refused to be a Christmas baby, so I kept Mom in labor until 5:31 on December 26...

I was 21 3/4 Inches, and weighed in at a whopping 8 Pounds 2 Ounces...Dr Keller was right...

My name is....::sigh::....I'm EXHAUSTED...that was a lot of work for me, too...I'll tell you all in the next post...with more news to follow...

To tide you over, here is my first picture. I was one hour old...

And, as requested, I am wearing an adorable little hat. My reign begins...


Strater said...

Welcome to our crazy world, Dot!

The P-G Kids said...

Why thank you!! I have been looking quite forward to joining it for some time...

You have me at a loss...who might this be? I love having fans in the Northeast!

GlutenFree Revolution said...

Welcome Samuel!
Can't wait to meet you (are your mom and dad coming to Wes reunion this year?)!

Laurie and Rick

The P-G Kids said...

Well, it's not a reunion for me, as I've never met you already, there are problems with your statement. :-)

I put a smilie face...that means that I'm joshin' with ya!

As for Mom and Dad's attendance, they are, as with everything right now, playing it by ear. They'll keep everyone posted.

Thanks for your well wishes, and I also look forward to meeting you...

Unknown said...

The first post was Strater. See Dot, we're watching out for you all around the country!