Monday, July 12, 2010


In one of the last of my long ago catch-up posts, I'll take you through a long weekend that Dad took me back to Connecticut for...Mom had a business trip to go on, and since Dad had to take that Saturday off anyway, he decided to use it to take a long trip back home...well, a longer trip than usual, soon as we got out of the car, DaGramma was waiting for me with a ball, which I proceeded to have a blast running around after. I was kicking it, and chasing was SO much fun!

I spent a lot of time playing in the big big yard! I even got to ride the tractor with DaGramma! It was loud, but super fun!

I got to look at the bird bath, where lots of birds were bathing was neat knowing exactly where they'd land, so it was easier to spot them!

Also, Auntie Stephanie (who was ready to pop with my first first cousin! Yes...I meant to say "first" twice, since it is the first time I will have a first cousin) went with me waaaayyyy in the back yard to explore for was a lot of fun!

There was even more outside play, when I got to play around in DaGramma's little flower garden (her vegetable garden is off-limits until I'm a little older, and can help her pick veggies without destroying everything!)

The flowers were pretty, and the pinwheel was a lot of fun to play with!

Once we finally got inside, DaGramma showed me where all my toys were a small basket right near the front of the house! All the fun stuff was organized in one place, so it was manageable, yet right there whenever I wanted to play with it...and obviously, I wanted to play with it all!

Since we were there for a longer amount of time, I had the chance to see two of my Uncles! I got to see both Uncle Steve (fresh off his postal shift)....

...and Uncle Mat who was on his way to a wedding that was conveniently nearby DaGramma's place!

As you can see, both Uncles were extremely into the idea of tickling me, which was fine by me, since it made me laugh so much!The visits with them were, as always, far too brief, but I really enjoyed the quality time I got to spend with them...that alone was worth the extra time in Connecticut!

Since I was spending so much time in Connecticut, Dad and I also stopped by Gramma Mindy's for awhile...she was in the midst of setting up for a dinner party (we felt bad for interupting, but it was the only time we could coordinate...) and even though she had a lot to do, she still spend a lot of time hanging out with me!

After eating (begrudgingly, since I don't know what was in that container they tried to give me...I know that there were tons of veggies in there that I usually like, but the sauce was blech) I even got to play with the piano like I usually do when I go there!

And I discovered that, just like DaGramma, Gramma Mindy had set aside my toys into a little bookshelf unit...

So now I know that no matter which Gramma's house I go to, there is always A) Loving Family, B) A neatly organized collection of toys, and C) Fans that I can request to spin at any time, day or night.

With Dad's supervision, I even got to crawl on the stairs...the ceiling is waaaayyyy up high, and it's neat to look up there to just watch it continue onward, as though it goes on forever....

While Gramma Mindy put the finishing touches on her dinner party, she gave me a new toy to keep me busy...apparently this is still a left over toy from my birthday and Christmas, and I must was GREAT. You roll it forward, so that the little wheel rolls, and there are little brigghtly colored wooden dowels (with faces painted on them) that move back and forth, making a heckuva racket! It's great! My description is terrible, but hopefully the picture does it more justice...either way, it's super fun!

Once Gramma Mindy's dinner guests arrived, it was getting late, but she still got to show me off to them. As is typical, they were taken with me, even though it took me a little while to warm up to them...

She really enjoyed getting to hang out with me, and tell people all about me...also, I have a tortilla chip in my hand in the picture above...and it is awesome.

Dad and I headed back to DaGramma's for one more night, and before we headed out the last day, I got to explore a bit more in DaGramma's house...I found a Sam-Sized gap next to the fridge (where I am told, Dad also used to spend some time hiding when he was not so Dad-Sized...) this is also where all the seasonal magnets were hidden.

Sorry for breaking that one magnet, by the way, DaGramma...I didn't mean it...

Before we finished packing up, Dad and DaGramma put me in this special onesie that sums up the feeling about visiting the grandparents:

Lesson learned...and once again, and great visit with the grandparents, some Uncles....and some dinner guests of Gramma times!

And with this post...I'm all caught up! The next few posts are about stuff that's happened in the last few weeks...and then from here on's alllll about the future! Stay tuned! And thanks for being patient while I caught you can see, it's been a busy month!

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