Monday, July 19, 2010

TODDLER_TOUR_2010_LEG_5-Beth and Nelson get married!

And now....for our final catch-up post!

Yep....above is the cabin we stayed in for Beth and Nelson's Weddingapalooza at Camp Fantasy Carnival....

Try saying THAT ten times fast!

Mom's cousin Beth was getting married, and they were doing it up crazy granola...out in the woods, with a three day party...

It was my first time camping, and we did it during a wedding! How wild is that!? It was a whole weekend thing, where we were supposed to show up on Friday and stay there all the way through Sunday...

Car troubles (we had to take Klaus the Car in to get repaired yet again, and rent a car) and terrible traffic delayed our arrival into Connecticut...We didn't get in until Friday, and even then it was really late on Friday...we had plans to stop at DaGramma's place for dinner, and even though we still stopped, we actually just ended up staying the night. Auntie Stephanie stopped by during the last days of her pregnancy, and was nice enough to play some post-dinner catch with a HUGE ball! Look at that thing!

After staying the night, and getting refreshed, we headed out to the camp, where we were met with some chaotic last minute planning and execution (I am told that this was expected)

After setting up in our cabin, and after Mom and Dad helped the group put the finishing touches on the wedding area, we headed out into the woods for the ceremony...There were two guys playing gongs while everyone filed into the beautiful was so peaceful, and relaxing that I passed right out...they stopped at one point, and I remember distinctly sitting up and saying "Again!", so they were nice enough to play some more, knocking me right out...

I was told that the ceremony was beautiful, and very unique to Beth and was all the more poignant since my Great Uncle Bill had been hit by a car a few weeks before, and somehow found the strength (and family support) to make it to the wedding in one piece....Beth and Nelson exchanged tearful wedding vows...

While I continued to sleep...

My cousin Robert and a doggie were the ring-bearers, which was super awesome...I would have been truly excited, had I not been sleeping...

Instead I lived vicariously through pictures taken at the wedding...the applause at the end woke me up, but luckily Dad was there to reassure me that all was well...and he even convinced me to clap a little bit in my half-asleep daze...

We moved on to the reception, where I proceeded to meet about 150 new cousins that I had never seen before...

Molly and Cory let me sit at the big table with them while we ate...I got to try a bunch of great food for the reception! It was truly delicious!

Since we were out in the woods, I got into the spirit of things, and got to blow some bubbles while we were eating lunch, which is a rarity in my life, since we tend to not blow bubbles whilst eating...

I also got to see some people that I had met before, but that I hadn't seen in cousin Taylor was thrilled that she could pick me up, and proved it to everyone several times....We had a lot of fun playing throughout the weekend...

JustRichy was there too...he played in the band for the wedding, so we was dressed in the wedding colors of orange and purple...we had a lot of fun this weekend, and he spent a ton of time with me...he even rolled me around asleep in my stroller on Sunday while Dad, Mom and Gramma Mindy packed up...

And really...what more is there to say about the dessert than just saying...cupcake mountain?

Yes...I got to have some cupcakes...they were amazing.

At some point, this visor was put on me...I don't recall when exactly it happened, but I do like the way it brought out my eyes...someone remarked that I seem to allow hats like this or the hat I wore for Fourth of July to stay on my head more than I allow regular hats with tops...

Why is that, you ask? Well...I'm not telling, of course...

I had a bit of trouble sleeping because of the party atmosphere, but it did mean that I got to sleep with Dad and Mom for a little while...there was a lot going on that Mom and Dad got to see while Gramma Mindy kept watch over me...all in all, even though the weekend was crazy and chaotic, it turned out to be lovely time for all...

Before we left on Sunday, while Mom and Gramma Mindy went off to Church, and there was a brief bit of drama as I received my first bloody nose...the funny thing, is that there were all these roots in the ground, and uneven hills to contend with while getting around...and yet, I ended up taking a faceplant on perfectly flat, solid ground just because I was so excited and tripped over my own feet. I don't even know what second I was running and playing, the next my head was bouncing off the ground...and no sooner did Dad say "It's OK, at least you're not bleeding, sweetie..." did my nose start to bleed.

It hurt a lot, and there was a bit of swelling...I wasn't thrilled with Dad whisking me away and calmly dipping a towel into some cold water to press it against my nose...I cried obviously, but both Dad and JustRichy were there to keep me calm and stop the bleeding...

After that drama, all was well, even though my adorable little nose was a little bigger than it had been previously...

Because I was feeling a bit fragile, Dad walked me around and one of my favorite things to see was the bridge that took you over the waterfall at the edge of was so pretty, and the sound of the water was just so peaceful...I kept asking to go back because it was so nice...

Dad made sure to hold me, since it would have been dangerous to have me walking around on the bridge, but sure was nice that he let me hang out there for so long...

For a first camping trip, things went well...lots of people playing with me, and I even got to play catch with no less than a hundred people...well, at least it felt like that many. Either way, another successful weekend was had...I can't wait to do it again!

And man...that bath when we got home was, like, the best one ever...I was one grubby little kid...

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