Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mini Golf 2013 Part 2: National Building Museum!

For my second New Year's Eve Post (and my final in 2013) I wanted to take you all on a trip to the National Building Museum to see another Mini-Golf game! The FIRST GAME we played last year, and this year was even better...they had TWO courses you could choose from, which not only made it less packed with people, but there were more chances for someone to get really creative with the mini-golf courses!
These were VERY cool holes this year...kudos to the designers! The one above is actually a hologram...you had to hit your ball through a maze that was generated by holograms. There were actual walls that you had to navigate around, in addition to cityscapes that weren't really there. Awesome!
This one was cool because it not only featured a building under construction...but there were little toy trucks as well! The backhoe "Dug" me a hole to hit my ball into! Also, check out those mini orange cones. Nice touch!
I don't know if you can tell from this shot, but this next hole featured DC landmarks under glass...I believe this one is the Capitol!
The holes were fun, but pretty challenging.
I think I got my stance down pretty well, don't you?
I was pretty excited when the ball went in for this one, because you had to hit it around a corner, which was pretty tough!
Once I got the ball in, I took a moment to make some (sanctioned) graffiti on the wall that separated the two areas of the hole!
There was a schoolhouse themed hole that was REALLY tough to get through, but Mom did a great job! She's a natural!
This one had a working bell, which I, of course, had to ring!
This next one is based on the city and the Metro (with a tiny Metro station pylon)
It was kind of hard to get through because of the way the planks were set up. Certainly made it a challenge!
Undaunted, I played through and finally got the ball in!
The final hole glowed in several different colors, which was really pretty to watch, but I think they were hoping it would distract you a bit too....
That didn't matter though, because even though the final hole was tough, I managed to get a hole in one!
This was my second hole in one of the day, (I don't remember which one was my first) and the fact that it was on the last, and one of the most challenging holes, was amazing! Everyone was so excited for me, even people that didn't know me and were just playing the game at the museum at the same time that we were!
And no visit to The National Building Museum would be complete without playing with the various building blocks and toys that they leave out in the main hallway....Mom and I had a lot of fun building towers out of these little wooden planks...and I then happily destroyed them!

On that note...everyone have a safe and happy New Year that does not include any kind of destruction (Unless it's intentional, and fills you with great joy!) See you all in 2014!


Gramma Mindy said...

OK. Now we need to see some holidays and 2014.

The P-G Kids said...

Sorry to keep you waiting....that is finally happening...