Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My First Mini-Golf Excursion...

So...finishing my summer recap, there was a very cool setup over at The National Building Museum in DC....they had a bunch of artists/architects create a Mini Golf course with a series of unique Mini Golf holes...now, I had no idea what a golf course was, let alone a mini golf course.....

So...Mom and Dad took me over there, and we had to wait in a loooooong line...for awhile, Mom held our place while Dad and I played around the museum, but then we had to join her in the final part of the line...Dad was kind enough to let me watch some videos on his phone while we waited in the enormous line...

I guess this mini-golf stuff is pretty popular. Especially when it's inside on a hot summer day...

So we finally got to the front, and I got to pick out my own ball from the baskets at the front.
I also got to pick something called a "putter" The object of the game is to tap the ball through the little course (Which was sometimes littered with obstacles for some ungodly reason...it's like they don't want you getting the ball in the hole or something!)
Mom did a great job showing me how to play on the first hole...since there were so many people, and things were moving so slow, we basically got to play each hole as long as the people in front of us played theirs....I loved being able to take my time!
Some of the holes were really cool...this one I had to help the ball through the bumpy course...
All of the holes were unique, but some were easier than others.
I learned this lesson early on. Mom and Dad made it clear in no uncertain terms that the first time the putter went above my waist, the game was over...I heeded their warnings right from the top of the game.
Here I am getting my ball into the hole! How exciting! I really was getting the hang of this game!
Until, of course, we ended up on a hole that was REALLY crazy like this one...I figured, heck, I'll just go on up into the hole itself and help the ball along...that's legal, right?
Mom did a pretty good job, too...I would sometimes help her and Dad (Much to their chagrin...I don't know why they tried to stop me from picking up their balls and helping it into the hole...isn't that where they want it to go?)
This one was really neat...it was a bunch of little cars in a neighborhood, and you had to hit the ball down the street...very cool....
...very cool, that is, until I lost my ball in the bus. :-/
This one took the longest...it was like a half-pipe except that instead of skateboarding, you had to get the ball to roll up and down until it landed in the hole...it was apparently the one that was holding everyone up (Especially the slow-pokes in front of us)
This one lit up, and was really fun to not only hit your ball through, but to run around on as well...
In the midst of one of the holes, there was a little pretend dinner set up on some tables and chairs. It looked like real food, and I thought it added a nice ambiance to the whole affair.
The fake food didn't distract me from sinking another ball into another hole...I am REALLY getting the hang of this!!
And finally we came upon the last hole which were some balloon-looking things that you had to get your ball through...
It was a challenge, but all three of us finished with solid scores!
I was sad to be leaving, but we all had a really great time at the mini-golf course! Any chance you get to play mini-golf, you totally should.

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