Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Visit With Uncle Mat!

After many false starts, my Uncle Mat has finally shipped out to points (Middle) East...he is in the Marines, and while I'm not exactly sure what he's doing or where he is, I know that it's something that I am very proud of. He is doing something that many people don't or can't do, and I think that's amazing.

Before he left, Mom and I traveled to Connecticut to spend some time with him, since we're not exactly sure when he will next be home...since Gramma Mindy's place was having some...technical difficulties, Gramma Debbie was nice enough to open her place for a little open house (Plus, that meant we got to swim in the pool one more time before the summer was over....yeah, this is a post I should have done weeks ago.)

Uncle Mat helped me practice swimming (I understand the concept, and think that my form isn't half bad, but it's just the exact practice of staying afloat that I'm having a bit of trouble with)

Mom and I spent lots of time hanging out with Uncle Mat, and we really appreciated that he was able to spend so much time with us. We also found out later, that he proposed to his girlfriend Mallory, so this is also to wish him a hearty congratulations, and to welcome Mallory to the madness that is our family!!

It really was a lovely time...we were happy to have made the trip, and were glad that it worked out in a way that let us see Mat for such a long time before he left....I know he loves me a lot, and obviously I send it right back at him!

We wish you well, Uncle Mat! We look very forward to the next time we get to see you again, and hope you'll stay safe, and do great things!!


Gramma Mindy said...

I'm at my house with Uncle Mat's girlfriend, Mallory. So I showed her this blog. She was so excited that she sent the linc to Uncle Mat.

The P-G Kids said...

Excellent! I'm glad she liked it...I can always use more fans...and it's good that Uncle Mat has the link...he should be kept apprised of any new situations here with me. :-)