Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting our Christmas Tree!

Enjoy my new profile picture! It was part of my Christmas season picture extravaganza!

While I'm in Connecticut, and resting up from blogging, I figured I would throw a little more Christmas cheer your way...I'll be posting more soon the detail my amazing Christmas in Connecticut...but until then, check this out!

Another part of the Christmas Season was going out to pick out a live Christmas tree!

We went out to a lot that was close by to our house, so even though we didn't get to cut down our own tree, we got to go and pick one out. It was SOOOO chilly out, but we bundled up and made the best of it. (In addition to picking a tree as quickly as we could...and even though we didn't dawdle, we made sure to take just the right amount of time to find a tree we really liked)

I got to run around between the maze of tress while Mom and Dad looked around for the perfect tree. I even found a super tiny Sam-Sized tree, but we didn't think it would fit in with our aesthetic....

After checking out several that looked like they might do the job, they finally settled on a good sized tree that looked like just the right size for our apartment. We had a bigger place this year (We skipped the tree last year because we were in the middle of moving) so we needed to find just the right tree.

After getting final approval from me, Dad and the man at the tree lot trimmed the bottom, and tied it to the roof of our car. Mom and I took care of paying (And I was a bit obsessed with their small radio that was playing Christmas songs...what can I say? I love music, and there was a portable radio RIGHT THERE playing stuff!)

After we took the tree home, Mom and Dad waited until I was asleep to decorate it...when I woke up the next day, I was stunned to say the least. The tree looked beautiful (and I promised Mom and Dad that I wouldn't touch it) and it really made the apartment feel festive, in addition to the other decorations Mom and Dad put up.

All the ornaments were hung, the lights were lit, and everything looked perfect. I can't wait to get back home and see it again before it's time to send it off into the big tree lot in the sky!


Unknown said...

You have to write a children's book. This is good stuff.

The P-G Kids said...

FInd me a publisher, and I am onboard, Rich. Thanks for visiting!