Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Christmas Gingerbread House With Mommy!

For several weeks, I have been seeing these glorious little gingerbread houses...on TV, out and about at Zoo Lights, and generally in the world, these little guys are everywhere this time of year . Mom mentioned that we'd make one for Christmas together, and I thought "Yeah right...everyday folks like us don't just MAKE a gingerbread house!"

I was totally wrong!

Mom and I had a nice little day together making a gingerbread house!!

She let me use the mixer, (and even taste some of the mix since there were no eggs in it)

After all the gingerbread was made, we cut the pieces to make the house, and using some delicious frosting as mortar, built the house and decorated it with other candy we bought.
Now, of course, the inherent danger in using delicious treats as the entire foundation and all of the decorations is that one would be tempted to eat it all and not have any left over to make the actual gingerbread house...
Well, Mom was smart and got plenty of extras so that we could not only build our beautiful (and theoretically delicious) holiday gingerbread house. I can't tell you how much fun we both had putting it together.
I even talked about it in school during one of our projects where we talked about something fun we did...I love our gingerbread house!!

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