Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dad's birthday!!

Yesterday was my Dad's final birthday without a baby around to spoil it/make it amazing. 

(By spoiling it, I mean that he will probably have to monitor his alcohol intake so that he is still a functioning parent if an emergency making it amazing, I mean that I will be AMAZING at arts and crafts, and this guy has some really cool macaroni greeting cards, and misshapen coffee mugs in his future...)

This year was the first year that I was able to get him a present (having not existed last year.) but it was a doozy! My present was EASILY the coolest present that an unborn baby has ever gotten his Dad. 

I got him 3 onesies that are pictured above....why 3 you ask??!! Because I got 3 different sizes, so that I can fight crime for a full year!! When I grow out of one, I move on to the next! I already told Dad that he could be Robin, so unfortunately that role is already taken, everyone. I will, however, be looking for mortal enemies. So, stay on the straight and narrow!!! 

Mom also got him something really cool, but really...I can't remember what it is...All I know is that he was thrilled, and won't stop talking about it. Ugh....enough with the yappin' !! Get me outta here so I can put on that Batman outfit, already!! 


tmheffer said...

I only they made adult Batman onesies.....

The P-G Kids said...

It's only a matter of time...