Friday, September 25, 2009

Baby Tour 2009_Leg_5_Uncle_Mat_is_a_Marine!

Last month, my Uncle Mat graduated from his Marine Academy in South Carolina!

I think they say Hoo raa?

As you know from my last entry (Because you are a diligent reader) Mom and I flew down there to meet up with Gramma Mindy to watch the ceremony, and celebrate Uncle Mat's great accomplishment!
After getting some rest, we headed off to the Marine base to attend the family day celebrations.

Lots of people wore the colors that were associated with their respective graduates company (Mat's was red, which is why Gramma Mindy wore a red hat and shirt, and I was wearing an adorable red onesie! Mom wore the reddest thing that she owned...)

We got to take a tour of the training grounds, and the barracks. We got to see where Uncle Mat lived and trained during his time down here. It was really cool to see such an active community of recruits continuing to train, and march around the campus.

Uncle Mat looked great in his uniform....

And as you can tell, I was super excited to be there and to see him again! He was even nice enough to let me wear his hat...
While I'm not quite used to Uncle Mat having so little hair, I was excited to make the journey to see him! I know he appreciated having me, Gramma Mindy, and Mom there to support him, and cheer him on!

After training was complete, he went back home to Connecticut for a little while, before being shipped out (Possibly for more training) to Missouri. All of us are so proud of him, and can't wait to see him again! Hopefully he''ll share stories about the adventures he's having!

I'm a big fan of adventures!

Keep Mat in your thoughts and prayers, as he continues on his journey to serve his country proudly!

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