Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm walkin'....yes indeed...

While photos or video have been hard for my poor Mom and Dad to come by...the headline is, in fact true...I have decided that the time is right to be moving forward in my walking skills.

Dad and I were hanging out, in the living room, and I was right by the front door. I was standing up like I usually do, holding on to my stroller for support. I reached down to get my toy train. It was a little easier to hold on to the train with two hands, so I let go of the stroller, and just kind of stood there for a second.

I turned and looked over at Dad, who held out his arms and asked me to walk to him...

...so I did!

I took about five steps, which is more than I'd ever taken, and I landed safely in his arms. He was laughing, and clapping for me! I figured that, not only can I get around a lot easier, but I also get to have the people around me get all excited for me whenever I walk...

So why SHOULDN'T I do it more often, right?

I have started walking around the apartment a lot more...Mom has also seen me walk up to seven or eight steps at this point....she loves referring to my way of lurching around as "Old School Zombie"

I hope to get some pics or video up of me walking around...

...as soon as I let someone snag some footage of me doing it. :-)

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