Saturday, July 9, 2011

Leah and Teague's Wedding!

Mom and Dad sure do go to a lot of weddings!

Apparently, this is kind of a "light" year for them, in that they have "only" been invited to three of them, and are "only" going to two of them.

Crazy, right?

Well, a couple weekends ago, we got to go to a nice little olde tymey town hall for a wedding for some friends of my Mom's (Who over the years have also morphed into friends of my Dad's)

Even though Mom and Dad had hoped I'd sleep in the car on the way, I was so jazzed up about the Big Party, that I simply couldn't it would be a grand experiment...a highly stimulating event, with me running on no nap for the first time ever.

Yeah...I know, right?

I was told several things about the event...the first part was the wedding, and I had to be quiet like in church, and the second part was the big party, where I got to be as loud as I wanted to be...and lastly, that I got to have cake at the end of the event...

I did my best to be quiet during the ceremony (though, I DID keep whispering to Dad "When is the part where we can be really loud?) and it was lovely...a very nice ceremony in a very nice little olde tymey former town hall. Sometimes I sat with Mom...sometimes I hung out with Dad...but the one constant was my Kitty. She was with me the whole time.

The wedding finished, and the first thing I said, obviously, was "Now we can go to the party, and be really loud!!!"

We got there, and the first thing I did, was sign the guest was the classy thing to do.

Then I went right into the cocktail hour (although MY cocktails included cranberry juice, and other snacks)

I got to have a really good time playing with people I had met before, and also meeting some new people.

Dad and I checked out the garden outside, which was really pretty (and held my attention during such non-kid friendly events like family speeches)

This is me looking in the bushes, pretending that I'm playing "Journey to Ernie" and looking for Ernie in the bushes, just like Big Bird does on the show!!

As promised, Mom and Dad snagged me a cupcake from the tray since we were leaving early, and I tore into it with the gusto of a two and a half year old that had been waiting patiently for a few hours to get a cupcake.

The cupcake was DELICIOUS indeed....very nice choice...there were also whoopie pies and cake, but I had eyes only for the good.

Congratulations, Leah and Teague!!! You guys are great! Thanks for making us part of your special day!

And yes, as predicted, I didn't even make it the ten minute drive to the highway before passing out. I would have fallen asleep sooner, but Mom and Dad were talking about the darn wedding...I quietly said "Mommy, Daddy...stop talking please." and once they did, literally thirty seconds later, I was asleep...I had so much fun, and was so worn out, that I slept all the way home, and practically slept through my diaper change, and change into pajamas...Solid party, everyone...

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